PHP - Global Functions


$array = arrayDiffMultidim($array1, $array2)

Compare two multi-dimensional arrays and give the result of the differences between the two arrays.



$array = arrayReIndex($array)

Run through array and reindex, so the id are subsequent again.

			$stock = array(0 => "apple", 2 => "lemon", 1=> "peach");
$changes = arrayReIndex($stock);

//== output
// array (size=3)
//   0 => string 'apple' (length=5)
//   1 => string 'lemon' (length=5)
//   2 => string 'peach' (length=5)		


$obj = compileObjectProps($array)

Compile an array of members with object properties into one object.

			$arr = array(
	(object) array("id"=>0,"Name"=>"abc"),
	(object) array("id"=>0,"Description"=>"lorem ispum")


//== output
// object(stdClass)[30]
//   public 'id' => int 0
//   public 'Name' => string 'abc' (length=3)
//   public 'Description' => string 'lorem ispum' (length=11)		


$array = convertArrayMembers($array,$func)

Iterate through array or assorciative array and run the convert function for each member.

			$stock = array("oranges" => 8, "apples" => 4, "pears" => 3);

$changes = convertArrayMembers($stock,function ($value) {
	return ++$value;

//== output
// array (size=3)
//   'oranges' => int 9
//   'apples' => int 5
//   'pears' => int 4		


$string = convertStringForJSString($string)

Covert a string to it can be handled by JavaScript properly.


//== output
// string '<br\/>' (length=6)		



Exit the current run with a JavaScript error.

			exitJSError("unknown error");

//== output
//alert('unknown error');		



Exit the current run with a JSON error according to client.

			exitJSONError("unknown error");

//== output
//{"status":"error","errorText":"unknown error"}		



Exit the current run with a JSON notice according to client.

			exitJSONNotice("all okay");

//== output
//{"status":"notice","errorText":"all okay"}		



Exit the current run with a JSON warning according to client.

			exitJSONWarning("missing childs");

//== output
//{"status":"warning","errorText":"missing childs"}		


$array = findObjInArrOfObj($haystack,$needle)

Find needle-object in an array of objects and return the rowset.

			$Roles = array(
	(object) array("id"=>0,"Name"=>"abc"),
	(object) array("id"=>1,"Name"=>"cde")
$row = findObjInArrOfObj($Roles,(object) array("Name"=>"cde"));

//== output
// object(stdClass)[32]
//   public 'id' => int 1
//   public 'Name' => string 'cde' (length=3)		


$string = firstChar($string)

Return the first character of a String.


//== output
// string 'a' (length=1)		


$obj = generateObjFromPropListArray($array)

Generate an empty object from an array of properties.

			$props = array("id","Name","Description");

//== output
//  public 'id' => null
//  public 'Name' => null
//  public 'Description' => null		


$string = generatePronouncableString($length)

Generate a pronouncable string of length $length.


//== output
// string 'wewepujiyudi' (length=12)		


$string = getETInPast()

Get the string of the last timestamp the ET connected.


//== output
// string '2018-07-06 13:52:58' (length=19)		


$array = getIdArrFromRows($rows)

Get the id column of a data grid.

			$Roles = array(
	(object) array("id" => 1, "Name" => "admin", "Info" => null),
	(object) array("id" => 2, "Name" => "user", "Info" => null),


//== output
// array (size=2)
//   0 => int 1
//   1 => int 2		


$array = getKeysOfObject($object)

Get the keys of specified object.

			$Role = (object) array("id" => 1, "Name" => "admin", "Info" => null);


//== output
// array (size=3)
//   0 => string 'id' (length=2)
//   1 => string 'Name' (length=4)
//   2 => string 'Info' (length=4)		


$string = getModuleNameByFilePath($string)

Get the module name for a specified file path.


//== output
// string 'DemoPlayG' (length=9)		


$string = getModuleNameViaBacktrace()

Get the module name via backtrace.


//== output
// string 'DemoPlayG' (length=9)		


$array = getPropArrFromRows($rows,$key)

Get the property column ($key) of a data grid.

			$Roles = array(
	(object) array("id" => 1, "Name" => "admin", "Info" => null),
	(object) array("id" => 2, "Name" => "user", "Info" => null),


//== output
//array (size=2)
//  0 => string 'admin' (length=5)
//  1 => string 'user' (length=4)		


$string = getRandomHash()

Get a random hash (32 characters) for seeding or identification.


//== output
// string '4b086b408ac68dd59f598df69cf6d26f' (length=32)		


$boolean = hasRole($roleName)

Return whether the current session is valid for the specified role. A simple hasRole()-exitJSONError() is usually all you need to do to to safeguard all open ports of your module.

			if(hasRole("user")) {
	... // do the the privileged samba
else {
	exitJSONError("Missing rights");



Send the standard html header.


$boolean = isAssocArray($array)

Test whether the given array is an associative array.


$boolean = isValidDate($datestring)

Check whether the given string is in the format YYYY-MM-DD and a valid date.


$boolean = isValidDateTime($datestring)

Check whether the given string is in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and a valid date-time.


$boolean = isValidEmail($string)

Check whether the given string is in the format of a valid email address.


$boolean = isValidTime($string)

Check whether the given string is in the format of a time signature HH:MM:SS.



Exit and dump the $variant data in JSON format.



Dump the data of $variant in JSON format.

			$Roles = array(
	(object) array("id" => 1, "Name" => "admin", "Info" => null),
	(object) array("id" => 2, "Name" => "user", "Info" => null),

//== output
// [{"id":1,"Name":"admin","Info":null},{"id":2,"Name":"user","Info":null}]		



Alias for json_die().


$string = lastChar($string)

Return the last character of a String.


//== output
// string 'd' (length=1)		


$array = proofObj($proofObj,$dataObj)

Proof object $dataObj to the given criteria in $proofObj, if everthing is okay, return an empty error array.

The proof Object can hold the following values:
"boolean" | "integer" | "double" | "string" | "array" | "object" | "resource" | "NULL"

Precedent underscore (eg. "_string") means the property is optional.

			$proofObj = (object) array(
	"table" => "string",
	"data" => "array",
	"noLogFields" => "_array"

$dataObj = (object) array(
	"table" => "_sys_config"

var_dump(proofObj($proofObj, $dataObj));

//== output
//array (size=1)
//  0 => string 'the property (array) 'data' was not given' (length=41)		


$string = removeBlankLines($string)

Remove blank lines from a given (multiline) string.


$string = removeLastCharacter($string)

Remove last character from a given string.


$string = renderObjAsHTMLTable($string)

Remove last character from a given string.